Driving change is a super power

Welcome to the School of Service where we know that driving change is a superpower.
Our goal is to strengthen frontline teams throughout the service industry.
With training, service design, content creation and the ServiceHub app, we strengthen the frontline both on-site, digitally and with the help of AI avatars.
Cost effective app for your business

ServiceHub App

Is the ultimate app for hotels and restaurants that lack their own onboarding and communication platform.

Content creation as a service

Content development

From strategy to content development, onboarding and program development.

Service design means planning, organizing and designing all aspects of a service with a focus on creating a positive and smooth experience for guests.

Service Design. What is your current situation?

In order to successfully improve service, increase upsells and create a sales organization, it is crucial to have a clear and distinct strategy. This means defining your service vision and your values, understanding the customer's journey and interactions, and mapping each step in the service process. Here's our method, broken down into three steps.

Clarify what your service represents and your core values and what makes it unique compared to the competition. Communicate these to both employees and customers to ensure mutual understanding and commitment.

Why is this important?
• By having a clear service vision or concept and a selling culture, it becomes clearer to the employees what is expected of them.

Map the customer journey from start to finish and identify all touch points. Analyze these interactions to find improvement opportunities that can elevate the customer experience and increase upsells.

Why is this important?

Through a clear guest journey, you understand the guests' gains and pains and can more easily sell experiences that your guests want.

Create a detailed map (Service Blueprint) of each step in the service process and work continuously to identify and eliminate obstacles. Focus on making the process as smooth and efficient as possible to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction.

Key questions to evaluate and improve your strategy:

1. Have you defined clear service and sales behaviors?

2. Do you conduct daily Pre-Shift meetings?

• Where you drive overall and individual goals, based on service and sales behaviors.

• Coaches, follows up, documents and reflects.

3. Do you have clear job descriptions?:

• Which includes vision, values, communication and goals?

Why is this important?

Every employee knows what is expected of them and there is a systematic and methodical way that drives behaviors and guest experiences every day. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and standards, which in turn improves both service quality and customer satisfaction.

By following these guidelines, you can create a structure that supports your employees in delivering a consistently high level of service and improving the guest experience, while maximizing efficiency and sales opportunities.

1. Service Vision & Values: This step aims to clearly define and communicate the overall vision for your service. By creating a strong and well-thought-out concept, it becomes clear what your service represents, which core values guide the business and what makes it unique compared to the competition.

2. Customer Journey: Mapping all the steps the guest goes through, from booking to checking out, to identify opportunities for improvement.

3. Touchpoints: All the places or moments where the guest interacts with the service, such as the reception, the room, the restaurant, and the online booking system.

4. Service system (Service Blueprint): A detailed plan that shows how people, processes and technology work together to deliver the service.

5. Empathy and Guest focus: To understand the guest's needs, expectations and feelings in order to create a more personal and satisfying experience.

6. The role of the staff: Training and empowerment of staff to ensure they can deliver excellent service and manage guest needs effectively.

7. Continuous improvement: Constantly collect feedback and analyze guest experiences to make continuous improvements.

Programs from 1 day to 3 months. Do parts or the whole program. Welcome to our upsell program!

Increase additional sales

We know that every organization strives to maximize its sales and create a selling culture. Our program is designed to help you achieve these goals by educating and training your employees in effective upselling techniques.

By investing in our customized training and workshops, you will see tangible results in the form of increased sales, improved customer experience and a stronger, more unified company culture.

What do we offer?

• Interviews with owner, CEO and management team to map the current situation and desired situation

• Development of a joint plan with clear objectives with the help of Service Design

• Workshop with inspiration and group work based on insights from the current situation and desired situation

• Possibility of a Mystery Stay to identify areas of improvement

• A dynamic and engaging workshop where employees and leaders learn to sell as a team

• Coaching and follow-up to ensure that the new knowledge is implemented effectively

• A final Mystery Stay to measure improvement and provide recommendations for continued success.

We offer not only training, but a complete strategy to help you create a selling organization. By focusing on service vision, guest journey and clear behaviors, we ensure that your employees not only learn techniques for upselling, but also how to create an outstanding guest experience.
With our help, you will be able to understand and meet your guests' needs better than ever before.

Let's take the step together towards a more successful future with increased sales and happier customers!

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your sales goals and drive repeat guests!

CEO Oscar Lindeberg. School of Service & ServiceHub App
Coming this fall...

Service Sessions
After Work

Service Sessions offer exciting interviews with industry colleagues as well as a relaxed arena for mingling and networking.
In a world where experience is everything, excellent service is the only real means of competition. Customers and guests buy more, are more loyal and share their positive experiences.
Service Sessions explores how the industry applies AI, new technology and service design in the pursuit of the ultimate guest experience.